If you're a licensed hoisting engineer in Massachusetts, you already know that you need to renew your license every two years. You are probably used to receiving a Massachusetts hoisting license renewal form shortly before each expiration date, which is sent by the state for you to use in order to renew your license. But what happens if you never received, or you misplaced, that renewal form? Don't worry, you can still renew your license. Read on to learn about your options.
First, you'll want to make sure you are in your renewal period. Your renewal period starts when you receive your renewal notice, which is typically 45-60 days prior to your expiration date. If today is more than 45 days prior to your expiration date, you may not have received your renewal form because you're not yet in your renewal period. Although you can complete your continuing education at any time during the renewal cycle, you cannot renew your license until you reach this renewal period. Therefore, if you're 45+ days out from expiration, you can stop reading now and just wait until you're closer to your expiration date to receive your renewal form.
Option 1: Locate your renewal form via email.
Nowadays, you likely received your renewal form via email, which is nice because you can't physically misplace it the way you can "snail mail." Search your email inbox for "OPSI License Renewal" as that is most likely the subject of the email you would have received containing your Mass. hoisting renewal form. This email would have come from "NoReplyLicensing (REG) <noreplylicensing@state.ma.us>" and would have been sent roughly 45-60 days prior to your license expiration date.
If you were able to locate this email, great! Simply open the attachment and download or print for use in your renewal process. Skip down to "Renewal Methods" below to determine how you'd like to submit your renewal paperwork to the state.
Option 2: Request a duplicate Mass. hoisting renewal form.
The Office of Public Safety and Inspections (OPSI) has a special form that you can use to request a duplicate copy of your Massachusetts hoisting license renewal form. You can locate this form on the Mass.gov website to print, fill out, and return to the OPSI... OR if you are an At Leisure customer, you can simply fill out this form right in your online dashboard by clicking the "My Perks" tab of your account. Submitting this form via the At Leisure website is recommended, as many people make mistakes when submitting the OPSI form themselves, which can lead to delays in receiving their new renewal form.
Hoisting License Renewal Methods
Once you've obtained a copy of your hoisting license renewal form, you're ready to renew your license! There are four different renewal methods you can choose from:
- Online with At Leisure: If you're an At Leisure customer, you have the option of having us submit your renewal paperwork to the state on your behalf. Simply upload your documents to your online profile, and we'll take care of the rest. Not great with computers? No worries! Our customer support team is standing by 7 days a week to assist. You can email or text photos of your documents and they can upload everything for you. The biggest benefit of this method, other than its convenience, is that your renewal paperwork gets reviewed twice: Once by artificial intelligence (AI), and then again by a real human being. This process catches any issues that may have resulted in a delay of your renewal being processed. We know the last thing you need is for your renewal to get delayed and for your license to go into expired status as a result.
- Online with the OPSI website: Your other online option is to renew via the Mass.gov/OPSI website. In order to do this, you'll need to set up an account and link your license via the registration code found on your renewal form. If you choose this option, read our instructions for submitting your Mass. hoisting renewal online through Mass.gov.
- By mail: Print out a copy of your renewal form and package it with payment and the required documentation and put it into the mail yourself. Make sure all of your documentation is up to date and double check that you're mailing to the correct address (which will be listed on your renewal form).
- In person: If your license is about to go into expired or null and void status, your best (and fastest) option is submitting your renewal paperwork in person at the OPSI office in Boston. Make sure to bring your renewal form, copies of all required documentation, and payment (check or money order made out to Commonwealth of Massachusetts).
Regardless of your renewal method, you must complete the required continuing education before you can submit your paperwork. At Leisure offers convenient online hoisting continuing ed. courses that you can complete anywhere, anytime. You'll need to include a copy of your certificate of completion with your renewal. You also must have copies of the other required documentation for ALL renewal methods. This documentation includes a copy of your DOT medical certificate (At Leisure customers can benefit from discounted DOT medical exams), a copy of your current valid driver's license, and a 2" x 2" passport-style photo (you can skip this one if you're a MA resident and authorize the OPSI to access your driver's license photo).
Still need to take your continuing education? Click the button below to register now.