Professional Development Courses for Contractors

Below is a list of professional development courses offered on a National level.

Construction Contracts

We all hope that contract performance proceeds smoothly, but we also know that differences of opinion and disputes may arise, resulting in claims between the parties. Our Construction Contracts courses will teach you the basic rules of contract interpretation and the principles of claims arising from defective specifications, construction delays, and differing site conditions.

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Ladder Safety

Our Ladder Safety course covers safe practices for the selection, maintenance, and use of ladders. Course material can be accessed 24/7 from any device with an internet connection.

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Reasonable Suspicion

This training course teaches supervisors to identify circumstances and indicators that may create reasonable suspicion that a driver is using or is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, as required by 49 CFR 382.603.

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Scheduling with MS Project

Enhance your professional career by using the industry's top project management tools. This course is designed for the novice to intermediate construction professional charged with creating, tracking and maintaining a project schedule using a professional scheduling software. 

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