Massachusetts Votes to Adopt 10th Edition Building Code

In May 2024, the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) voted to adopt the 10th Edition of the Massachusetts Building Code (2021 International Building Code, 2021 International Residential Code, and 2021 International Energy Conservation Code). 


What does this mean?

Every three years, the International Code Council (ICC) publishes a new version of the International Building Code, International Residential Code, and International Energy Conservation Code. For example, new versions were published by the ICC in 2015, 2018, and 2021. The currently adopted version can vary state to state. This is because state building authorities typically gather input from local contractors and design professionals so they can develop amendments to the code or determine to delay adoption (or never adopt some versions at all).

In Massachusetts, the Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS) reviewed public comments and officially voted to adopt the 10th edition of the Massachusetts Building Code at their meeting on May 14, 2024.


When does the new code take effect?

The 10th Edition Code's effective date officially starts the day the Code is published in the Massachusetts Register. We will update this page as soon as we've heard that this has happened.

There will be a concurrency period during which both the 10th Edition and the 9th Edition are valid. The concurrency period begins on the effective date mentioned above, and will end on December 31, 2024.


How do I order the new code books?

If you are purchasing an At Leisure exam prep course to obtain a new Construction Supervisor License, you can purchase discounted books as an add-on with your course.

Otherwise, we recommend you purchase code books directly from the ICC here. The International Code Council recently uncovered a counterfeit operation producing and distributing unauthorized ICC code books within the U.S. This situation poses a significant risk to the integrity of building standards, public safety, and our collective businesses. To address this, the ICC has taken decisive legal actions, including securing a temporary restraining order and filing for preliminary injunction to halt these illicit activities. To avoid purchasing counterfeit books, we recommend purchasing directly from the ICC.

For Exam Prep customers purchasing books through At Leisure, our ICC code book distributor does purchase directly from the ICC to help us ensure we offer authentic publications to our customers.