This Montana Electrician Continuing Education course covers: 16 hours of continuing education.
We understand that many electricians feel they gain more from a live instructor, but don't have the time to dedicate to sitting in a classroom. That's why we've worked hard to develop a self-paced, instructor led, video course that allows you to complete the material at your leisure!
Our course is state-approved by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry to meet all continuing education requirements for Montana electricians.
Check out a complete list of the course details and benefits below.
Course Details & Benefits:
With At Leisure's electrical continuing education course, you get the benefit of hearing from not just one industry expert, but three. Each instructor brings their unique backgrounds and experience to the table to provide you with a thorough understanding of the topics presented.
Our primary instructor for this course is Robert McGann. Robert has been a license electrician for more than 48 years, a certified Master Electrical Inspector for over 25 years, and an electrical educator for over 28 years. His experience and knowledge shine through in his thorough explanations of regulations and code in this video course.
Joining Robert for much of the course is Joseph McElhinney, a licensed electrician for over 25 years and an experienced electrical educator. Joseph has worked as an electrical inspector for the past 9 years.
A portion of this course is taught by Jeremiah Delaney, a licensed electrician, fire protection engineer, and electrical educator.
This course covers the following topics:
- Introduction
- NEC Code-Wide Changes
- NEC Chapter 1: General
- NEC Chapter 2: Wiring and Protection
- NEC Chapter 3: Wiring Methods and Materials
- NEC Chapter 4: Equipment for General Use
- NEC Chapter 5: Special Occupancies
- NEC Chapter 6: Special Equipment
- NEC Chapter 7: Special Conditions
- NFPA 72: Fire Alarm Systems
- Article 250: Grounding and Bonding
The course includes periodic multiple choice quiz questions throughout each section, to help the student measure his or her comprehension of the topic and to ensure adequate understanding of each section. These quiz questions are placed periodically throughout the video modules and at the end of each section. There is no minimum score required on the quiz questions; instead, if you select the wrong answer, the correct answer will be given.
At Leisure Contractor Licensing brings to you a self-paced, relaxed, easy-to-navigate online alternative to the traditional classroom setting. Led by three electrical industry experts, our course brings all the benefits of the classroom setting directly to you in the comfort of your own home, workplace, or anywhere else you have internet access. The future of continuing education is here.
Upon completion of the course, your certificate is immediately available for download. At Leisure will also automatically report your credits to the Montana State Electrical Board.
We have custom built our course player from scratch with one goal in mind: To offer you the best user experience possible. Get ready for headache-free continuing education.
Don't have time to finish your course in one sitting? Don't worry about it. This course features auto-save course progress, so you can pause anytime and resume from where you left off, without losing any of your work.
Access your account and complete your course(s) from any internet-enabled device, any time, any place.
Our course has been approved by the Montana Department of Labor & Industry to meet all continuing education requirements for Montana electricians.
Provider Number: ELE-CE-PROV-00101
Course Number: ELE-CE-CRS-00571
This course features a four month course subscription, which starts when you start your course (not when you purchase your course). If you need more time, our customer support team would be happy to extend your subscription at no charge.
Renewing your license can sneak up on you, leaving you to rush to complete your continuing education at the last minute. We have a solution for you: our license management tools! Free with your account, simply add your license expiration date, and choose when you want to be notified. Our system will automatically notify you that your license is coming due for renewal. Choose between email and/or text notification.
You don't need to be a computer expert to use our platform. "Ease of use" was and is our number one focus when developing our website. Still, you may decide you want some help, and we are a quick phone call away. We receive a great deal of positive feedback for our customer support, so rest assured, you're in good hands. Visit our contact page to reach out.
Courses are not timestamped. Try us out, and if you are not satisfied with the experience, you will receive a full refund as long as you have not completed the course!
Montana electricians are required to complete 16 hours of continuing education each two-year renewal period. A minimum of 8 of these hours must cover NEC updates.
Licensees are required to maintain copies of their continuing education certificates (At Leisure will keep a copy as well).
To renew via paper renewal form, visit the Montana State Electrical Board's website and click on the appropriate renewal form for your license type.
You can renew your license online at the Department of Labor & Industry's ebiz portal. Log into your account to start the renewal process. If you don't yet have an account, click the "Register Now" button at the bottom of the page.
If you need any assistance, contact the DLI's Business Standards Division customer service team at 406-444-6880 or DLIBSDHELP@MT.GOV.
Montana Department of Labor & Industry
Business Standards Division
406-841-2300: Division Receptionist
406-444-6880: Renewal Unit
If your mailing address or other contact information has changed, you must update it on the Department of Labor & Industry's ebiz portal.
Once you've logged into your account, click on Account Management at the top right of your screen.
Find the area labeled Contact Information and click on the Actions link underneath. Select "View."
A screen will pop up allowing you to change your address, phone number, and email address. Changing any of this information here will update your license record with the state.
You can print your license from the Department of Labor & Industry's ebiz portal.
Log into your account and click the "Print, Update, or Renew Your License" in the blue menu bar.
Click on the license number link, which will bring you to your Record Details page.
Locate the "Attachments" section. The first document listed will be your most current license.